Pratt & Whitney Fuel Nozzle Replacement

Team members required: One
This task involves replacement of either
A) the #4 fuel nozzle and gasket installed on the PW1100G-JM
engine, or
B) the #16 fuel nozzle and gasket installed on the V2500 engine.
NOTE: Odd numbered teams will compete on the PW1100G-JM
engine, even numbered teams will compete on the V2500 engine.
AC 43.13-1B – Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices –
Aircraft Inspection and Repair
Tools and equipment list .
1/4” Drive Ratchet
1/4” 12 Point Deep Socket – 1/4” Drive
5/16” 12 Point Deep Socket – 1/4” Drive
6” Extension - 1/4” Drive
12” Extension - 1/4” Drive
6” Extension – 3/8” Drive
12” Extension – 3/8” Drive
Torque Wrench 0-200 lbf-in. – 1/4” Drive
Torque Wrench 200-1000 in-lb. – 3/8” Drive
Diagonal Cutters
Safety Cable Kit
Safety Cable Gun
3/8” drive, 7/8” crows-foot
3/8” drive, 11/16” crows-foot
Lint-Free cotton cloth
For PW1100 Only:
3/4” Crowfoot Wrench – 3/8” Drive
3/4” Angle Wrench
For V2500 only:
7/8” Crowfoot Wrench – 3/8” Drive
7/8” Angle Wrench
A) PW1100 Fuel Nozzle Remove and Replace Instructions
B) V2500 Fuel Nozzle Remove & Replace Instructions
Scores will be calculated according to the standard score sheet.