Gore Leading Edge & Panel Sealing

Tuesday, April 8, 2025
to Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Team members required:



Task 1 – D-Nose Leading Edge Installation using SKYFLEX® Tape

Task 2 - Access Panel installation using SKYFLEX® Gasket


Task 1 - Installation Guide and Link to video for Installing Flat Tapes on D-Nose:

Installation Guide Tapes

Video Surface Protection – D-Nose


Task 2 - Installation Guide and Link to video for Installing Gaskets on Access Panel:

Installation Guide Gaskets

Video Environmental Sealant – Gasket


Tools and equipment list:


Nylon and Wood Awl for punching holes

Torque Wrench – One per team

Speed Handle – Two per team

Screwdriver and bits – Two per team

Alignment Fixture for Gasket Installation



Task 1: D-Nose LEADING EDGE:

      1. Find 700 Series GORE® SKYFLEX® Aerospace Tape - Part Number GSC-21-95159-024 and ensure within shelf life and confirm both verbally with Judge. The Tape has an adhesive on one side and the release liner will need to be removed and disposed of in the FOD container provided.
      2. Ensure Spar and D-Nose clean and free of debris.
      3. Apply GORETM SKYFLEXTM Aerospace Tapes on Leading Edge Spar using 4 pieces of tape cut to length with scissors. The First piece should be applied along the top and the second along the bottom. Finally apply two shorter pieces to the radius and ensure 3-5mm overlap on top and bottom pieces – Figure 2.
      4. See Installation Guide for Tapes and watch video in References.
      5. Poke holes for each fastener in tape material with Nylon or Wood Hole Awl
      6. Install Leading Edge Profile over Spar
      7. Use provided speed handle / screwdriver to seat each of the 18 fasteners using a staggered pattern.
      8. Use provided torque wrench to tighten each fastener to 15 in·lbs using a staggered pattern.  Do not overtighten.


Figure 1: Rig - D-Nose Installation Areas in Blue

Figure 2 - Shows 4 Pieces of Skyflex Tape Installed and Overlapped


Figure 3 - Showing D-Nose in Place and Fastened –

 9 fasteners on top and 9 on bottom





      1. Find 720 Series GORE® SKYFLEX® Aerospace Gaskets Part Number GSC-21-96704-027 and ensure within shelf life and confirm both verbally with Judge.  The gasket has an adhesive on one side and the release liner will need to be removed and disposed of in the FOD container provided.
      2. Ensure Access Panel and Frame clean and free of debris
      3. Apply Gasket on Polycarbonate Panel shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. Carefully Align fastener holes in gasket with those on the panel. Ensure gasket is placed on the correct side of the access panel. It should be applied to bottom of the panel. The fastener countersink is considered the top of the panel.
      4. See Installation Guide for Gaskets and watch video link in References.
      5. Install Panel in Opening with the Gasket between frame and panel.
      6. Use provided speed handle / screwdriver to seat each of the 20 fasteners using a staggered pattern.
      7. Use provided torque wrench to tighten each fastener to 15 in·lbs using a staggered pattern – do not over tighten.

Figure 5 – Proper alignment of gasket on bottom of Access Panel




 Figure 6 – Top of Access Panel – Gasket installed on bottom



Scores will be calculated according to the AMC score sheet. Additional penalties may be assessed for:

  • Not confirming part numbers and Expiration Dates with Judge.
  • Incorrect application of tapes and overlaps at D-Nose
  • Incorrect application of Gasket misalignment of gasket to access panel
  • Not following work instructions – example –tightening all fasteners in staggered pattern.
  • Interference with competing team on adjacent side of rig.
  • Using incorrect tools


For More Information:

Jack Penick
