FedEx Express Cargo Floor Lock

Team members required: One
This event will test the technician’s ability to remove, disassemble, inspect, repair, reassemble, and install a cargo floor lock that is found on the freighter aircraft.
Tools and equipment list:
Telescoping Magnet (UPT35)
8 Ounce Ballpeen Hammer (BP8B)
8 Inch Duckbill Pliers (61CFO)
8" Talon Grip™ Combination Slip-Joint Pliers (47ACFO)
9" Talon Grip™ Needle Nose Pliers (97ACFO)
7" VectorEdge Diagonal Cutter (87ACFO)
Soft Grip Cotter Pin Puller (SGCP1BO)
8 Inch Hook Scribe (YA338A)
8 Inch 90 Degree Scribe (YA339A)
1/4 Inch 40-200 In LB Torque Wrench (QE1R200)
3/8 12 Point Offset Ratchet Wrench (OXR12A)
5/16 12 Point Offset Ratchet Wrench (OXR10)
1/4in Drive 12 Point Shallow Socket sizes 5/16, 3/8, and 7/16 (TMD10,
1/4 Inch Drive 4 Inch Extension Knurled (TMXK4)
1/4 Inch Drive 2 Inch Extension Knurled (TMXK2)
1/4 Inch Drive 6 Inch Ratchet (THL72)
Scores will be calculated according to the standard score sheet. Additional penalties may be assessed for failure to show judge torque on wrench before proceeding, failure to install or secure mount bolts, failure to install, torsion spring properly or installing the lock on the seat track incorrectly.